Monday, February 23, 2009
The Importance of Self-Observation
Friday, January 23, 2009
Love Your Neighbor
Just ONE Degree
Post-religious Americana
Perhaps in the same way that President-elect Obama is intending to create a post-partisan government, it would be appropriate for We the People to create a national post-religious atmosphere of true spirituality: a spirituality that unites rather than divides. After all, at the heart of most religious concept is the same Universal theme: “Do unto another as you would be done to.”
Belief is a personal and private thing, not to be imposed on another, especially not imposed by a government on its population. On this understanding was our country founded. We can observe, both here and abroad, that the desire to impose one’s own belief on others, or that which espouses ‘our way’ as the best or only way, brings naught but suffering.
Essential human goodness is not exclusive to any group, but may be found all over the world, in every race and nationality, amongst believers of many sorts and non-believers alike.
So what if, rather than attempting to make others believe as we do, we simply accept that diversity is as natural a phenomenon in human existence as it is in Nature and begin to choose Harmony above all? After all, most humans want the same basic things: hearth & home, warmth & food, a decent education and opportunity for their children, and good health.
Perhaps in this era of change, we can finally put aside that which divides and focus on that which unites. If We the People universally embrace compassion, kindness, harmony, philadelphia, and selfless service, it would go a long way toward creating Peace in our hearts and minds, and in our world.