Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Blind Men & the Elephant

On Fareed Zakaria’s latest show, Kishore Mahbubani (former President of the UN Security Council and current Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore), when discussing the consequences of America’s decline on the world stage, made the astonishing statement that “...for the first time we are living in a world where the experts don’t know what’s happening...I have never seen this kind of global uncertainty...” and all my antennae went on alert.

Of course the experts don’t know what’s happening—they cannot see beyond their limited area of expertise, and they aren’t looking in the right direction. It’s exactly like the blind men and the elephant: each one feels a particular portion of the elephant—the trunk, tail, leg, ear and flank—and interprets the whole based on the singular part he encounters. This narrow vision cannot even see the problem, much less propose a solution. What is needed is the interpretation of those whose vision is broad enough to encompass the whole, whose concern is neither self-centered nor self-serving.

Our politicians obviously don’t possess this vision. With the recent crisis there was an extraordinary opportunity to create real change, and what happened? Rather than changing our attitude and how we do things, transforming the world for the betterment of all, we have been scrambling to restore the status quo with all our might. It’s not gonna happen. While we are loath to admit it, the old paradigm is in its death throes.

With the world leaders all too invested in their own agendas, refusing to see the writing on the wall, and Big Money focused on grabbing as much as they can as quickly as possible before the whole thing collapses, what will it take to create the transformation the world so desperately needs? Nothing less than a global uprising. An uprising of the people—fed up with the machinations of both governments and corporations interested only in perpetuating their own power and wealth—a rEvolution whose time has come. The Evolution Revolution.

The Evolution Revolution is an expansion of Consciousness quietly taking place on the planet through those whose minds and hearts are open to a new way of being. They have evolved from homo sapien to Jeremy Rifkin’s homo empathicus, and embrace the concept of compassion in business and society. They understand our interconnectedness—and that for the few to profit while the vast majority suffers is obscene and intolerable.

Mr. Rifkin, author of The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis, asks whether we can “reach biosphere consciousness and global empathy in time to avert planetary collapse.” At the rate we are going, pouring all our energy and resources into a desperate attempt to resurrect an American Dream gasping its last breath, it will never happen. An answer in the affirmative can only be found in the Evolution Revolution.  


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Withdraw Your Energy from the Chaos

The 'news'—especially TV news—is literally, programming. No matter the slant, liberal or conservative, its purpose is to keep one in a state of discontent. By engagement in this chaotic energy, one becomes part of the static produced to obfuscate our Oneness.

The best way to effect change in oneself and in the world is to withdraw one’s energy from the common, programmed pool, and be a beacon of Peace/Light/Love. The more of us who are cells of sanity in the body of humanity, the greater the Light—and the cancer of the Illusion/madness will be diminished and eradicated.

Whatever one needs to know comes to one’s attention. Rather than participating in and supporting the media-generated chaos, maintain Awareness; enjoy and support a Higher Reality.

Try giving yourself a 'news' break for a week and see what happens when you re-engage. If you’ve been focused and mindful, the dissonance will be obvious.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" by mastering the quality of your energy. It's a moment-by-moment exercise.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


What kind of civilization allows and encourages a handful of its members to accumulate untold wealth and live a life of obscene excess while billions are lacking the most basic necessities? What kind of person can observe suffering in another and not do something about it? Only the most unevolved.

The arrogance of humans on planet Earth is stunning.

The aboriginals we look down upon are far more advanced in terms of understanding their place in the biosphere and Universe—while the vast majority are essentially yahoos: mere primitives in Consciousness, yet believing ourselves the 'Crown of Creation.'

For while this human ‘civilization’ has plundered the Earth and accumulated wealth, advancing technology to astonishing levels, most are still driven by the basest of impulses—lust, greed, anger, pride and fear: killing one another over resources, waging wars based on ideology, elevating vanity to a virtue, while oblivious to the machinations of those in power whose smoke and mirrors keep us entranced and in their control—ostensibly free but actually slaves to our senses, spending our days as cogs in the machines of commerce, working endlessly for the sole purpose of acquiring ‘stuff’ or attaining ‘success.’

At the same time, there are a handful who have reached an enlightened state—an Understanding that removes them from the Illusion and allows them to dwell untouched by the miasma of desire—and a growing number who are being awakened to this Understanding.

Where are you in this process? Are you still striving for the ‘American Dream’ or are you one of the fortunate who recognize there is something greater? Have you gotten caught in the Intellect, priding yourself on your capacity for complex thought? Or have you joined the masses enrolled in endless pursuit of ‘improvement’—not realizing that commerce in the name of spirituality is commerce still, merely substituting one illusion for another more self-righteous one, enriching the self-styled gurus while the followers chase their tails in fruitless pursuit of relief while still believing in ‘the good life?’

As long as one exists in the realm of ‘mind’ one is subject to the duality of its nature—one cannot go beyond the mind with the mind. One cannot think one’s way to the next level of being.

Fortunately, there is a transformative energy emerging on the planet: an expansion of Consciousness called the Evolution Revolution. The Evolution Revolution is calling us to open our Hearts & Minds and allow ourselves to be awakened to a Greater Reality—a reality where Compassion is the coin of trade, and Harmony the measure of success. A reality that recognizes that harm to any is harm to Self, and all Life is sacred.

The Evolution Revolution is progressing apace—embrace it and evolve into your True Self.