Thursday, June 10, 2010

Withdraw Your Energy from the Chaos

The 'news'—especially TV news—is literally, programming. No matter the slant, liberal or conservative, its purpose is to keep one in a state of discontent. By engagement in this chaotic energy, one becomes part of the static produced to obfuscate our Oneness.

The best way to effect change in oneself and in the world is to withdraw one’s energy from the common, programmed pool, and be a beacon of Peace/Light/Love. The more of us who are cells of sanity in the body of humanity, the greater the Light—and the cancer of the Illusion/madness will be diminished and eradicated.

Whatever one needs to know comes to one’s attention. Rather than participating in and supporting the media-generated chaos, maintain Awareness; enjoy and support a Higher Reality.

Try giving yourself a 'news' break for a week and see what happens when you re-engage. If you’ve been focused and mindful, the dissonance will be obvious.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" by mastering the quality of your energy. It's a moment-by-moment exercise.