Friday, May 25, 2007

On Tradition

People believe what serves them, or what’s convenient, or what they’ve been programmed to believe for social, emotional or psychological reasons. Religion establishes an authority beyond man—although all too often men (known as kings, priests, etc.) act as arbiters of the Divine. Man accepts the tenets of his fathers based on the weight of tradition through time. Which reminds me of the story about the young girl who questions her mother regarding the practice of cutting off both ends of a roast before cooking. The mother tells the daughter she learned to do so from her mother. When the child goes to the grandmother, she is told the same thing again, and proceeds to the great-grandmother who is fortunately still living. Upon inquiring of the great-grandmother she is told: “I cut off both ends of the roast because it was too large to fit in my roasting pan.”

Free Will?

Consciousness has produced this play. Consciousness has written the script. Consciousness is playing all the characters. And Consciousness is witnessing the play. It's a one-man show.
Master ‘A’

The play is His, the rôle is His gift, the lines are written by Him. He directs, He decides the dress and decoration, the gesture and tone, the entrance and exit. You have to act well the part and receive His approval when the curtain falls. Earn by your efficiency and enthusiasm the right to play higher and higher rôles - that is the meaning and purpose of Life.
Master ‘B’

If ‘I’ have no volition or control over what happens, then acceptance of WHAT IS, is the only possibility for contentment.

What must happen, will happen. What may not happen, won’t. I will continue to wake up in the morning and experience whatever is in store for me that day, knowing that the impulses are That, the thoughts proceed from That, the encounters are arranged by That, the reactions provided by That, the needs supplied by That, the changes wrought by That, the Life sustained by That until it’s not—and when and if there is meant to be the cessation of identification with the personal ‘self’ in this particular organism, it will happen by the Grace of That.

On Giving, II

True giving is selfless. If it doesn’t delight the one receiving, or fulfill a need, it is not giving but something else, something meant to purchase gratitude or obligation, or satisfy one’s sense of righteousness.

Imposing one’s own ideas about what the recipient should have, is simply fulfilling one’s own needs and does nothing at all for the other—like the wealthy maiden aunt who gives her relatives a painting that’s not to their taste at all. The aunt is thanked, and the painting sits in the attic or basement until she comes to visit, when it is prominently displayed. I’m sure we all have endless examples. What’s the point?

If there’s real caring, truly wanting to give, a genuine desire to fulfill a need or please the recipient, then time and energy is expended discovering what it is that will serve or delight the other. What can they use, what will bring them joy? Inquire and discover. Perhaps flowers, or consumables, which will not remain to take up space and collect dust, are preferred. Giving without fulfilling the need or desire of the recipient is actually not giving, but imposing a burden and no gift at all.

On Love

Every Heart wants to feel Love

Love is the reason we pursue the innumerable false gods of our time—the gods that have hitch-hiked in on the coattails of ‘civilization.’ The gods we have been brainwashed to believe will answer our prayers:

The god of image, whom we believe will bless us with Love if we look the way his propaganda has convinced us we must look; the god of wealth, who has persuaded us our coffers must be swollen and overflowing to afford his blessing of Love; and the god of status, who has fooled us into accepting that without him we are not worthy of Love.

And Love? Love arises of its own accord—unexpectedly, uncontrollably, like the scent of lilacs wafting by on a breeze in spring. We cannot obtain it on demand regardless of our outer beauty or our wealth, and unlike designer chocolates, we cannot order it over the Internet. It is also beyond all name and fame —the most arrogant celebrity cannot write it into her contract. It cannot be earned, bribed or manipulated; even to the most deserving, it comes simply as a Gift.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Cellphone: An Instrument of the...

The thought occurred like the proverbial light bulb in a comic panel, thanks to a line in Jon Cleary’s “The Easy Sin.” In 2001, his protagonist Scobie Malone, a homicide detective in Sydney, reflects as he walks down a street filled with cellphone-using pedestrians: “Nobody, it seemed, could remain unconnected to someone, anyone, for longer than five minutes.”

I had noticed this phenomenon as well, in the London of mid-2002 upon emerging in the West after almost four years spent mostly in a small village in India.

Although I didn’t feel culture-shocked going in either direction, I had to admit to being astonished at this particular trend. What was the need driving this obsession to be continuously plugged-in in this way?

I casually dismissed it as a sign of the times: new technology, new product, hype-to-the-hilt and everybody’s gotta have it—a keeping-up-with-the-Jonesing for the latest toy, using it simply because one can—and marked it down as 21st century hyperkinetic Attention Deficit Disorder acting out

But at the moment of reading “Nobody…could remain unconnected to someone, anyone…” (emphasis mine) the realization burst into my mind like a shooting star: what might appear to be a lack of the ability to be, or to be present, or to be quiescent—all of which may still be true—might even more fundamentally be the expression of a deep-seated need to be connected, to feel as if we are related in a meaningful way—not just by the accident of birth and blood, or proximity—but a fundamental and significant connection as important as Life Itself. That this phenomenon, which I had so superficially condemned as a lack of Awareness, might actually be a sign and symptom of a unifying facet of the evolutionary process which is inexorably revealing the fact of our Oneness—and perhaps even a precursor of the inevitable telepathic ability that will arise as Consciousness evolves further .

Look at it: the need to feel connected must primarily arise from our initial separation: the cutting of the cord. That moment of physical detachment creates a need in us for re-union that leads to the frantic coupling generally culminating in marriage which we believe will provide the ultimate wholeness, but which usually just results in further frustration and dissatisfaction. Then the maddening search for completeness begins again, leading through a quagmire of worldly obsessions.

Now in the 21st Century, the sense of isolation has developed exponentially, as we have increasingly acquired the wherewithal to entertain ourselves without need for physical proximity: radio, television, video/games, computers, and email—everything can be contained in a single room if necessary and we don’t ever have to leave our home.

And even more, in a niggling, subconscious way, we feel profoundly alienated in a world that tells us we have to live life in the most superficial way—a way that is essentially contrary to our deepest Nature. Our deepest Nature, which is already connected, is not at all concerned with how we look, what we possess, or the accoutrements of ‘being cool.’ Indeed, our deepest Nature would laugh indulgently at a need to ‘be cool’ the way an adult would laugh at a child playing grown-up.

Our deepest Nature knows that we are connected in the ultimate way—that each apparent individual is part of a singular Consciousness in the same way that individual cells are part of a single organism—and has been attempting to get our attention and awaken us to this fact: We are One. One spiritual essence permeates All That Is, and we are a part of That.

Just imagine everyone in the world on a conference call at the same time. On a subtle level, this is the reality: we are all plugged in to Universal Mind—which is the ‘brain’ of our organism, the place ideas come from, and why we can experience a discomfort that is not personal but transmitted by another ‘cell’ or group of cells that is suffering.

In fact, cancer and AIDS in individuals are symptoms of the disorder affecting human life on the planet as a whole: in the same way that cancerous cells destroy healthy ones, some of us are destroying each other; and Auto-immune Deficiency is self-explanatory.

Could it be more obvious that we need to create harmony in our selves and in our world?

We are One and not only that, we are the same in the most elementary ways:

So the next time you pull out your cellphone just to connect, stop and make the connection within. Take a breath, feel your heart beating, experience the essence of Life Itself moving in you and sustaining you. Realize that that same Life is moving in and sustaining all of us, and in the most subtle and profound of ways we are more than connected: We are One.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Anticipation of Death

The anticipation of Death,
like the anticipation of Birth,
is meant to be
a celebration of Life,
not a mourning.
To rejoice with the departing one,
on the Life that was lived,
the Love that was shared.
A celebration of a task completed,
a journey taken, lessons learned.
When we appreciate and celebrate Life every day,
there are no regrets
at the end of the road,
nothing left undone
that was desired by the Heart.
We leave gladly, full -
as at the end of a day
shared with friends.


The Harvest Prayer

(Anonymous 17th Century Sermon)

Please be gentle with yourself and others
We are all children of chance

And none can say why some fields blossom
While others lay brown beneath the harvest sun

Take hope that your season will come
Share the joy of those whose season is at hand

Care for those around you
Look past your differences

Their dreams are no less than yours
Their choices in life no more easily made

And give,
Give in any way you can
Give in every way you can
Give whatever you possess
Give from your heart

To give is to love
To withhold is to wither

Care less for the size of your harvest
Than for how it is shared

And your life will have meaning
And your heart will have peace

(This came to me in San Miguel D’Allende, 2003)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Calling All Heroes: Will YOU Be The One?

American pop culture has long celebrated the hero. From Superman and the Lone Ranger to James Bond and Men in Black, we are wild about the guy who shows up in the nick of time to save the day—and if he can turn a clever phrase and get the girl at the same time all the better.

And now the ‘Heroes’ are just like you and me. But fantasy is one thing and Reality something else altogether.

Our civilization has reached a crucial point in history—a major shift awaits us in the wings—and each one of us has the opportunity to BE THE HERO FOR REAL:

YOU are the hero the world is awaiting.

YOU are the one who can make a difference.

YOU are the feather whose weight can tip the balance.

And NOW is the time for you to weigh in.

The death throes of the old paradigm are apparent all around you: you see the evidence on television daily. But complaint and criticism of the travesty that is our present administration does nothing but enmesh the critic in the web of the travesty:


If you would SEE a change, you must BE the change.

If you see yourself as a single cell in the body of humanity, then you have the power to change the condition of that body by LIGHTING YOURSELF UP.

YOU are the hero the world is awaiting.


It is not so much about doing as it is about being.






Light up your own cell and watch what happens around you.

When enough of us are Light enough, the darkness will dissolve.

Are YOU willing to be the hero? Make it so, Number 1!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quotes from Unnamed Masters

These inspiring quotes are too precious to risk bias based on source…

Before you talk—think.
Is it necessary?
Is it true? Is it kind?
Will it hurt anyone?
Will it improve upon the silence?

Monday, May 14, 2007

On Consciousness

The miracle of Consciousness is this:

It exists in all and is available to all.

Consciousness, which can also be termed Divine Awareness, is the essence of who we are.

Consciousness doesn’t care about your education, looks or financial status.

Consciousness is not concerned that the circumstances of your birth have made you a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, Bahai, Buddhist or Christian.

Consciousness doesn’t mind if you are an Eskimo, an Arab, Italian, Chinese or African.

Neither does It care if you consider yourself an Agnostic or Atheist.

Consciousness cares not for name or fame: It can’t be bought or sold, nor can it be seduced, cajoled or intimidated.

Consciousness - our Essential Nature, our True State of Being - is awakening like Sleeping Beauty from her trance.

This awakening is called: The Evolution Revolution.

We are in the midst of the latest leap in our evolutionary process.

Open your Heart, open your Mind, and embrace this sacred process.

Embrace the Evolution Revolution.

(See my videos on YouTube. Search: Saharadevi)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

On Giving

The only things we actually ‘have’ are those we are willing to give—having without giving is like inhaling without exhaling: only half the story.

Giving is always a one-way flow—the concept of energy ‘exchange’ being created by those unable to give freely. Always give with no thought of return. We are not cups that can be emptied—we are rivers that flow one-way into the ocean of Life. A river flows without thinking—it is connected to an infinite Source.

Quotes from Unnamed Masters

These inspiring quotes are too precious to risk bias based on source…

Love and God are not distinct from each other. God is Love and Love is God. It is when this Love Principle is understood that the meaning of human existence can be realized.

Sheep In Human Clothing

How does it come to pass that a perfectly Divine Being—born with all the attributes necessary to live a life of quality: Consciousness, Unconditional Love, Generosity, Creative Impulse—finds itself living as a sheep in a flock herded willy-nilly by the powers-that-be?

As infants we are born in Love and provoke that Love in the hearts of those we encounter. Before too long however, if we are not well-protected, we become subject to those forces that instill, foster and perpetuate an abiding discontent.

We are told our looks are unacceptable, our raiment is unacceptable, and the very personal gifts and impulses to our unique creativity are unacceptable—we must toe the line of conformity.

We are encouraged to become addicted to the so-called food that disrupts our brain chemistry and messes with our metabolism, polluting our bodies and minds.

We are put to work—not like bees in a hive or ants in a colony who work co-operatively for the common good—but like robots whose time and energy only serve the master.

We are continually bombarded by radio, television, billboards and print media that program our behavior as fully as the most malevolent brainwashing, and the biggest illusion of all is our belief that we have free will! What a joke.

Where is the freedom in behaving precisely as one is programmed to behave?

The news, to which we willingly subject ourselves daily—sometimes continuously throughout the day— brings us reports of violence and horror, the constant barrage of which is like a low level drug instilling subconscious fear and loathing, perpetuating attitudes of antagonism and aggression that manifest within as stress and disease. Free will? Please.

Magazines celebrate the trivial and useless: those with more money than sense, compassion or humanity whose greatest satisfaction comes from publicity and excess.

And now “the cult of celebrity which feeds the vanity of those to whom narcissism is a virtue” (Isabel Allende) has trickled down and is infecting children whose greatest aspiration is ‘fame.' The gods are weeping.

How can we overcome our addiction to a consumerism that has led us blindly into a state of continual discontent?

How can we awaken from a trance that has turned us into sheep dreaming we are human?

One needn’t practice a particular technique or identify with any so-called ‘spiritual’ organization.

One needn’t spend hundreds or thousands chasing the latest ‘hot’ answer to the emptiness inside.

In fact, the emptiness exists because we have been subject to the programming that has distracted us from our True Nature and turned us into sheep, so we first have to recognize that fact and discover the Indweller of our being.

Be still.

Sit in Nature.


Listen to birdsong.

Allow the thoughts that arise to pass by like clouds drifting.

Observe the breath.

Be still.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Evolution Revolution: RAP

Evolution Revolution/One Soul, One Essence, One Being*
Rap to a slow groove
©1999 saharadevi

The Evolution Revolution is our only solution
‘for we kill ourselves with our insanity
The nuclear madness, environmental sadness
all the actions that deny our Unity—
The Evolution Revolution’s what we need

We better recognize the simple truth before we go too far
we better act as if we all, are One
Our possession/obsession has brought us to the brink
a chain is only strong as—its weakest link
What makes us think we can progress
as others sink in need
We are drowning in the quicksand of our greed
The Evolution Revolution’s what we need

We're driving down a lonely road without a spare tire
we are bound by our anger, and by our desire
We’ve come to a crucial time for the human race:
tinkering with technology can blow us into space
or viruses could kill us all and not leave a trace
We better face it: we’re children with matches
We are drowning in the quicksand of our greed
Te Evolution Revolution’s what we need

Each idea that separates is what we must release
if we want to change our ways and start to live in peace
All worry/pressure/conflict, comes from ‘yours’ and ‘mine’
Life is a process—it’s happening all the time
We can do it differently - there is a way ‘out’
the Evolution Revolution is what it’s all about.
Who you really are—who you choose to be
this is the secret that will set us all free
The Evolution Revolution’s what we need

Change yourself and change the world—the power’s in your Mind
Acknowledgment of Oneness will lead you to find—
everyone is ‘you’—just havin’ a hard time.
Everyone is ‘you’—just wantin’ a fair chance—
So wake up! and lighten up! get out of your trance!
You can make a difference—we can get it right
we don't have to struggle, we don't have to fight
We are One and there’s enough, so let go of your greed
The Evolution Revolution is what we need

Who you truly are, and who you choose to be
is the fuel that drives the engine of change
If you don’t like the way it is, get up off the ground
do the hokey-pokey, and turn yourself around
Embody the consciousness, the sacredness of Life
we don’t have to live in fear, or live in stress and strife—
We’re One Soul, One Being, One Essence
so open up and step into your Presence
It’s the Truth and the Wisdom, of what we’re meant to be
give yourself a break, and set your Self free
We are One and there’s enough, so let go of your fear
The Evolution Revolution, has started to appear

You are not your body, you are not your mind
you are Infinite, Eternal—out of space and time
Tune into your consciousness, you will surely see:
pure spirit, the All in All - that is what we be
BE Love, BE Light, BE Kindness
acting like you’re not is just blindness
We’re One Soul, One Being, One Essence
so open up and step into your Presence
It’s the Truth and the Wisdom of what we’re meant to be
you are Light, you are Love —et your Self free
We are One and there’s enough, so let go of your stuff -
The Evolution Revolution is happenin’—sure enough!!!


March 1999/Whitefield

*Inspired by the last few chapters of ‘Conversations With God” Volume III
By Neale Donald Walsch, Hampton Roads Publishing, Virginia
Phrases from the book used with permission

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Awake in the Dream

On Speed & the Art of Being

Do you remember the tigers in “Little Black Sambo” racing around the tree? Eventually they went so fast that they turned into a puddle of butter.

It seems that the 21st Century has pushed us into hyper drive—and I do mean hyper.

I realized this in a personal, visceral way when I found myself chauffeuring a friend six days a week recently.

I’d get on the freeway, pull into the fast lane, and barrel along with the flow at about 75mph. Coming home alone, even listening to interesting talk shows on the radio, I was still racing in the fast lane.

After a few days of this we were on our way once again when the realization arrived: I used to enjoy driving, but I hadn’t been enjoying this at all. I’d gotten sucked into a slipstream of frenetic energy hurtling up the freeway—and felt infected by the stress of the speeding people all around me.

I took a deep breath, pulled over a couple of lanes and slowed down to about 65mph. On this four-lane freeway there were now cars passing me on both sides, but I was in my own bubble of calm—relaxed and peaceful, watching the rest of the world rush by. And this is where we are meant to be: the eye of the hurricane; the island of calm in the ocean of madness.

It was interesting to realize kinesthetically that a) there was a frenzy of energy in the environment, and b) I could intentionally and consciously remove myself from it.

This may be applied to Life in general—and must be if we are to retain our sanity amidst the madness.

STEP OUT OF THE SLIPSTREAM OF SPEED that is burning out your life before its time and take a deep breath. Exhale fully with your mouth open and a ‘hah.’ Now do it again. This is a way to deliberately relax and move into the moment. The moment is where Life takes place—to be ‘present’ to the moment is to be present to Life. It’s a very simple thing.

Listen for birdsong. See if you can observe the world the way an animal does: without thought. Be still— outside and in—and observe the environment around you without projecting yourself into it.

I’ll say it another way:
Let go of the identification with the body/mind organism and, as pure Consciousness, observe the environment around you.

Feel the observer that exists behind your eyes: the sense of pure existence before it is obscured by the layers of mis-identification.

What about this mis-identification?

Think about it: why are we so attracted to babies? When a baby is born it is pure—pure Love and pure Consciousness. (We are attracted to babies like flies to honey—it is the sweetness of purity that is so alluring.)

Slowly, slowly, that pure Consciousness is programmed to identify with not-Self. Slowly, slowly, the layers of obscurity are applied.

We are taught to identify with our hair, our clothes, our shoes, our activities, our relationships, our cars, our jobs, our achievements or the lack thereof, our homes, our jewelry, our lips, our muscles and our fat!!!

We completely overlook the fact that when we die, our body decomposes, our positions cease to exist and our possessions now belong to another. What have we actually achieved??

Have our lives been meaningful in terms of the unconditional love we have generated on the planet? Have we made the life of another somewhat less difficult for our kindness or generosity? Have we inspired anyone to find fulfillment from the inside out?

The excuse of ‘not having enough time’ is a fallacy. Time is not fixed. It can and will stretch to accommodate your needs. If you are concentrated enough, time will even stand still. You would be amazed to discover how much you can accomplish if you slow down enough and really focus on what you are doing.

So rather than allowing yourself to be goaded into daily frenzy, take your own time to Be. Use your breath and deliberately slow down. Be present to what shows up in the moment and respond, ie. make the bed when you arise; wash the dish after eating; put something back after using it.

If you allow yourself to be comfortably in the moment, you will be astonished at how peaceful and satisfying your Life will become. Breathe, and Be.

On Gratitude/The Evolution Revolution

Gratitude is an attitude we can use to enhance our lives.

There seems to be a law that says: whatever we focus our attention upon we expand in our experience. It has to do with the principle that like attracts like. This occurs at an energy level, and means that the frequency of energy at which we vibrate is the frequency of energy we attract into our experience.

Is it any wonder then that the one who is constantly moaning and groaning always has something to moan and groan about? Or the one who delights in goodness and wonder has a continual flow of wonderful stories to tell?

Most of us in the West have never experienced at first hand the kind of deprivation that a majority of humanity live with on a daily basis. We take the fact of a warm, furnished home (with comfortable bed and pillows), decent weather-appropriate clothes and shoes, not to mention three meals a day plus all the snacks we can cram, completely for granted: not a privilege but a right.

But do we ever experience gratitude that we are so well provided?

The prevailing attitude seems to be: “I’ve worked damned hard all my life for these things.”

But are we ever grateful that we have two working legs, feet, arms, hands, eyes, ears, and the mental health that allows us to work at all? Not to mention the opportunity to get a job.

Do we ever feel grateful for the fact that we live in a country where we have freedom of movement and speech, where there is plenty, and where with determination and a modicum of luck we can earn a decent living?

Do we ever look around at what we have, whether lavish or humble, and experience (never mind express) gratitude?

Try it. In the morning when you awaken feel grateful to be alive—healthy, warm and sheltered. Before you put a single morsel of food in your mouth—stop—give thanks for the bounty bestown, thanks for all those who toil endlessly to provide the abundance of foodstuffs we take so for granted, feel grateful you have food to eat in such variety and quantity, and after you have eaten feel grateful there is food in your belly.

When you get in your car, or ride public transport, feel grateful you are riding and don’t have to walk. And if you have to walk, feel grateful you have two legs to carry you and be grateful for the exercise.

The mere feeling of gratitude promotes harmony and well-being in body and mind. And the more harmony we establish within ourselves, the greater the harmony we will create in our life and in the world.

So expand your vision from the narrowness of your own daily concerns to embrace the rest of the world and its suffering. In the light of that deprivation, understand the privileged existence you have been granted and fill your Heart with gratitude as a regular practice.

Like patience, gratitude is its own reward. Treat yourself to a hefty dose every day.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Secret of the Evolution Revolution: Consciousness

The secret of the Evolution Revolution is Consciousness. Consciousness with a capital C is our true nature. Consciousness with a capital C is also All That Is.

The Evolution Revolution is happening because Consciousness is expanding on the planet by awakening in the minds and hearts of humans—and WE are the humans in which this is happening.

To become aware of this happening within us, we must cease to be at effect of our conditioning and the continual programming of the media.

This means we must WAKE UP and stop walking around in a trance, dreaming we are awake.

It means we must stop listening to the outer and begin to be sensitive to the inner.

How? Stop identifying with the voice in your head you’ve always considered ‘you’ and start being quiet enough to hear the ‘still, small voice’ that has been trying to get your attention all along, but was never acknowledged until perhaps you were shocked into silence by the fact that your husband left you, or a lung was removed, or your child died, or you lost your job, your house and your dog.

The key is self-observation...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Face of Love™

True beauty emanates from within—it needs no adornment. It is directly connected to the Love in your heart and shines out of your eyes, illuminating your face. Its radiance cannot be purchased or contrived.

We show this beauty to those around us all the time—yet when we look in the mirror we gaze only at the surface, and so never get to see how beautiful we are.

Unfortunately, we have been hoodwinked by the cult of style over substance, and judge ourselves by the standards of those who profit by making us believe that image is everything.

I know differently. I have been photographing The Face of Love ™ around the world and will be delighted to show you how beautiful you are.

Let Freedom Ring

Our precious United States of America was founded upon the principles of brotherhood, equality and universal freedoms—predicated upon the inalienable rights of its constituents. In a scant two hundred years, rather than lead the world toward peace and prosperity, it has become a leader in greed and exploitation. Like the Roman Empire before its fall, this society is rife with corruption and hedonism.

The time has come for We the People to assume the responsibility bestown upon us and activate the role that our great country was always destined to play: that of leading the world into an Age of Peace on Earth and Good Will to All. These concepts are not platitudes meant for greeting cards, to be trotted out for a season of assuaging guilt and spreading good cheer, but as tenets to live by.

The time has come for We the People to awaken out of the trance we have been labouring under, and, like Sleeping Beauty awakened by her Prince, fond True Love at last.

True Love: Kindness and compassion—not bigger, better, more.
True Love: Goodness and mercy—not consume until you puke.
True Love: Righteousness and non-violence—not imposing our will on other sovereign states.

Martin Luther King had a dream. And he was assassinated.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy had a vision. And he was assassinated.
But We the People are a multitude, and they cannot kill us all.

We the People are already carrying the torch of Truth all over the planet. We the People are already shining the Light of Love all over the planet. We the People are already spreading the Peace that passeth understanding all over the planet. We the People might be a minority in numbers but we are mighty in our conviction.

We are not united yet, except by our humanity. We are not recognizable yet, except by our integrity. We are not citizens of one nation, or practitioners of one religion; we are not members of a single race—but we all speak the same language: the language of Love.

We love and respect the Creation and our neighbor as our Self. We do not practice an eye for an eye, but turn the other cheek; and demonstrate not by words but deeds how we would like our world to be: caring for each other and making sure there is enough for all Not involved with the superficial, caught up in appearance, but concerned with substance and deeply connected to an inner essence, a Higher Reality.

We the People, of every nation, every race and every creed, are walking the walk all over this planet, the Evolution Revolution is happening—quietly, pervasively, persistently—and it’s time to let our united voice be heard.

The United States of America is destined to play a role in this Evolution Revolution. Not as a bully, but as a benevolent model. And the universe that is Hollywood, with its attendant planets and stars possessing the power and means to lead, must do so. Hollywood must bring the message to the individuals who make up the multitude that they are not alone:

The Evolution Revolution is happening.
You are not single drops falling on parched earth, but part of a huge Ocean of Love, a great tide of Consciousness that is sweeping the Earth and establishing Itself in every nook and cranny.

We must come together and speak with One Voice.
We must let the language of Love ring out around the world.
We must demonstrate our sister/brotherhood as a single humanity, and refuse to accept or condone oppression in any guise: there can be no moral or legal justification for tyranny or oppression.

♪ “…from every mountaintop—let Freedom ring”

A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness: Join the Evolution Revolution

We are One and there’s enough*

The ‘stars’ of this planet must come together and create a new constellation—a constellation in a form that is wondrous to behold. But before that can happen there must be a realization: you who are like fallen angels have forgotten where you come from and why you are here: Not to indulge in sense-fulfillment and ego gratification, collectively spending trillions of dollars on possessions that are soon neglected or discarded, looking for fulfillment where none can be found. Not to fall asleep and imagine you are awake—living ‘Life.’ No—to realize you have been given everything you are and have: precious Gifts to be used for the expansion the Love on the Planet—for the good of what appears to be All, but is actually only One.

The misuse of resources is a sign of unconsciousness where compassion is meant to dwell; a selfishness and self-centeredness that is due to lack of understanding of who and what you are and the purpose of Life. It is definitely not “he who dies with the most toys wins.”

We are One and there’s enough

All there is, is 'God'—which is actually Pure Consciousness. Pure Consciousness exists without form. It is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, Infinite and Eternal. The entire Cosmos emanates from a desire of this Consciousness to experience Itself in form. The Creation is a ‘play’ of Consciousness, predicated upon the evolutionary process—a process of Consciousness becoming unconscious and then gradually re-awakening to Consciousness once again. We have reached that point of awakening at this time in history: Consciousness is expanding apace on our planet.

As Consciousness expands in those created 'in God’s image' (with the ability to become Self-aware, aware that Divinity is its essence), the realization dawns that there is more than what society has programmed us to believe is of value in this Life. That the worldly, material, success, achievement, possessions we have made our gods are still not enough to satisfy the craving, the frustration, the perhaps unnamed desire that unsettles us from within. That unnamed desire is Consciousness attempting to call attention to Itself, and will never be satisfied no matter how much we have or do. It will never be quieted no matter how much food, alcohol, drugs or sex we cram into it from outside. It requires becoming aware of and alert to the ‘still, small voice’ within.

We are One and there’s enough

Human beings are like individual cells in the body of God. And every cell is of equal value and import. If any cell or group of cells is malfunctioning or missing, the entire organism suffers. This is the condition of our planet at this time. The larger organism is suffering because individual cells are malfunctioning. It’s as if a monstrous cancer has invaded the body and is running rampant through the vital systems. Radiation/chemotherapy (war) will not cure it; it might relieve it for a while, but if the essential issue is not addressed, it will return. And if those cells who have been spoiled by abundance (fattened) are not willing to change their lifestyles, the cancer will grow until the organism (humanity) is destroyed. The only possible treatment is Love.

We are One and there's enough

Enough for everyone to have their needs met. Enough to eliminate suffering.

Of course our youth rebel against and disrespect a society that only wants to create more worker cogs to perpetuate its existence. The non-conformism of youth is an important reminder that society as it is does not work. That it is not sufficient for some to have a great deal and be satiated in their excess, and for many to have more than enough and be complacent in their achievement while most are struggling and suffering—a distant disturbance, but mostly “out of sight, out of mind.”

This is why the phenomenon of homelessness exists in our land of opportunity. These precious souls are not to be reviled and castigated but appreciated and cared for. They, and the needy everywhere, play that role to awaken compassion in the minds and Hearts of those whose lives are mostly isolated and unaware of the great imbalance that exists in our world. It is not enough to throw a few millions at a situation and hope it goes away, salving a conscience that has been anesthetized by the idea that each one gets what s/he deserves. Were it not for the bountiful gifts of Nature—which we take so much for granted—humankind could not even exist. Everything we need for Life is given to us freely.

We are One and there’s enough

Humankind has been misled for centuries by those who would control and manipulate. We are not born in sin, but out of Love. The nature of 'God' is Love, and when we live in Love we are knowing God. The second coming we have long awaited has arrived. Consciousness—and its expression, Compassion: the essence of the Christ—is rising in the Hearts of multitudes all over the planet, quietly serving in a humble capacity: feeding the hungry, healing the lame, putting rooves over the heads of the weary and the weak.

You who have been gifted with birth in a country whose very existence is founded upon freedom, have the freedom to do as you will—to speak out against injustice or take action to alleviate deprivation. As individuals you can accomplish only so much—united for the greater good, as our precious States are united, you can literally move mountains, and help bring about the Golden Age which has been prophesied and dreamt of, and toward which our civilization has been moving throughout history.

I challenge you privileged ones to spearhead a planetary movement, something far greater than the world has ever seen, far greater than the world has ever imagined. Form a new constellation—a constellation of Love. You will find millions prepared to support your efforts. Shine the Light of Love where darkness now reigns. Join the Evolution Revolution.

We are One and there’s enough

What greater work could any individual or group of individuals accomplish than to dramatically change the face of the world they inhabit? The entertainers and athletes of yore are long forgotten, but you in present time, whose gifts have brought you the power to influence the masses, have an opportunity far greater than politicians whose terms are brief, or royalty who are mere figureheads. It is not for nothing you have been vested with the power and prestige, the name and fame to affect millions. Not for self-aggrandizement, but for Service.

Ask 'God'—in whatever way you relate to It—to open your eyes and Hearts and enable you to see how you can best use your combined abilities and resources to contribute to a dramatic healing of our precious planet. Give—and you will understand the gift of giving. Serve—and you will understand the gift of serving. Do for others, for those in need, and you will reap a reward you cannot even dream of— for everything we give to another we are in truth only giving to our own Self.

Take a single step towards Consciousness and you will be amazed at how Consciousness will come rushing to welcome you Home.

We are One and there’s enough

Hostage to Terror

Subtitle:The Entertainment Industry is offered the role of a Lifetime

If America would counter the image of ‘Great Satan’ fostered by the extremists who wish her ill, Americans must clearly demonstrate another face to the world. We can no longer allow power-crazed smoke-and-mirrors government forces to hold us hostage to ill-conceived policies.

While the government chooses to play sheriff’s posse on the world stage, We the People can show another facet of our national character. Rather than the perceived attitude of entitlement, bigoted contempt or self-centered lack of concern, a display of profound practical compassion would not only change the perception of those who might condemn us, but could actually inspire a quantum transformative shift in the way humanity conducts itself in the 21st century.

There is no question that the USA has been a leader in opportunity and possibility in modern history, with increasing prosperity a result. But what have we modeled for the rest of the world in the last few decades beyond behavior akin to spoiled adolescents? In spite of the pinhole outlook of the present administration, we the people have an opportunity to do something worthy of our privileged place.

After all, Americans are essentially decent people and not ill-intentioned. We are, perhaps, self-centered. Some may also be ignorant and/or lazy. Collectively we have been well-programmed to indulge and consume and desire more, more and more—way beyond our needs. But we are not ill-intentioned. The problem is that we have been brainwashed to believe in style over substance. It need not be so.

The past few decades have accorded a power unheard of in history to a particular segment of our population: the entertainment industry has become a behemoth of wealth and influence, and its members the idols and envy of the enthralled masses. Yet for the most part the adulation and remuneration so abundantly accorded is used merely for self-aggrandizement, and even when charity is considered, it often becomes simply another vehicle for self-promotion.

But what if the members of this privileged group decided to influence the world—not with Part III of a formulaic script starring Ego Rampant and his leading lady Ima Celebrity—but by deciding to live on perhaps 50% of the obscene income generated by a society bewitched by ‘glamour’ and use the other 50% to re-create the world as we know it? (Kudos to A. Jolie for a decent beginning.)

What if the majority of those who have been rewarded light years beyond their actual value woke up one morning and realized that a life of meaningless indulgence and pseudo-power is tragically empty and profoundly unsatisfying?

Just look at what the Gates Foundation is doing and imagine what a similar amount of money—backed by the faces and energy of those who have been placed on pedestals of popularity—could do not only to improve the quality of life on the planet, but to still the voices that criticize and condemn us. For you who have received so much it is time to give back. Start using your celebrity for the greater good.

In the 22nd century very few of our entertainers will be either remembered or respected for their work - but can you imagine the honor bestown upon a coalition of the same who, recognizing the influence they could wield collectively, sacrificed grotesque luxury and dedicated a substantial portion of their time and resources to transform the world as we know it? That would truly be the role of a lifetime. And by modeling such selflessness, millions would be inspired to participate in a movement unprecedented in history and unequalled in impact.

Attention Hollywood and the Music Industry: Stop being models of self-involvement and self-indulgence. Wake up!!! Look around. Get over yourself. Unite. Do something of real value. Join the Evolution Revolution.

All the money in the world will not protect you if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. And if the planet becomes a hostage to terror, your millions will be small comfort.

As Americans we have been gifted with the best of everything this world has to offer. Let us now show the world our true greatness by giving.

Response to Sean Penn on Huffington Post

Dear Sean Penn & others who condemn the policies of this administration:

If Geo W Bush & company had not ascended to power when they did, the citizens of the United States of America who had been going blithely along, complacent in their self-satisfaction and the fat of the land, would never have awakened to the fact that more awareness is needed to create a quality of life that works for all living organisms on the planet.


Sad to say, Americans (how arrogant we are even to call ourselves such, given how many others occupy the Americas) have been too myopic for too long regarding the rest of the world. Part of this has to do with with our physical isolation, but unfortunately a large part has to do with our wealth and the way we have been programmed by our educational systems and the media into rampant consumerism and concern with the most trivial and superficial occupations, ie. appearance/image and celebrity gossip.

As well, the monkeys we model: SEE NO, SPEAK NO & HEAR NO are a poor demonstration for a country that is meant to lead the world into a new paradigm—but IT'S NOT TOO LATE.

Short of millions of concerned citizens occupying (literally) the streets of Washington DC—which would be sufficiently dramatic but inconvenient and impractical—most feel too powerless to do anything about the ludicrous fiasco in which we find ourselves: having been pre-empted by our own government using its position to carry us into such dangerous waters.

However—as citizens of the USA, We the People have a greater power than that. We the People have the powers granted us by our Constitution and we cannot be silenced. (See: Let Freedom Ring)

We have the power to speak—and we have the power to act.

To paraphrase a favorite bumper sticker:

If we would make the change we want to see in the world, then we must BE it.

So now we come to you, Mr. Sean Penn, and your cohorts.

Hollywood, and the entire entertainment industry, has been invested with a power the likes of which has never been seen in this world.

And now that worldwide communication is instantaneous, it is time to use that power for the greater good. (See Hostage to Terror & A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness)

What has been made clear to many through the phenomenon of 'The Secret' (I have another 'secret' to share with you) is that whatsoever we focus our attention upon increases in our (energetic) environment.

Hence, the focus of the media on all that is violent, distructive & disturbing—and our sheep-like subjecting ourselves to that input—disserves us profoundly and in the most elementary way. It is way past time for humanity to wake up to our True Nature.

The Transcendental Meditators have demonstrated clearly that crime decreases in an environment (city) where concentrated meditation occurs. (Stay with me here) Masaru Emoto has established that WATER molecules can change from polluted to pure with mediatation of another sort, or the mere application of a word such as 'Love' 'Peace' or 'Gratitude'.

The fact is we don't have to run around frantically attempting to change the physical world: when we change our minds and attitudes the world changes in response.

Since it has been shown that we live in the Unified Field of science, or as the mystics refer to it: Universal Mind, we actually possess a power much greater than wealth or munitions: we possess the power of Consciousness—which requires nothing more than the Awareness of Its existence.

If only people realized that they possess the power of Creation Itself—and that in fact humanity is a multifacted expression of a Oneness that is awe-inspiring in its magnificence—and that whatsoever we do to or for another we are actually doing to or for our own Selves—they would not be wasting their time attempting to manifest a Cadillac Escalade when we could be creating Peace on Earth and prosperity for all.

What a concept.

How amazing would it be to live in a world of Harmony and plenty, where everyone's basic needs were met and there would be enough time and resources to encourage creativity.

Consciousness and the recognition of the Consciousness within is the only thing that will enable this. Otherwise we are like children, scurrying to empty the ocean or level a mountain with a teaspoon, doomed to frustration and failure.

So I challenge you, Sean Penn, to unify with others in your realm and gather your resources (again, see Hostage to Terror & A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness)to change the world as we know it by demonstrating that We the People of the United States of America are far superior to the pathetic lot we find at our helm.

We the People have the means and the ability to act in the world as we see fit.

It is time to demonstrate our brotherhood with and compassion for all.

It is time to embrace the Evolution Revolution around the world and re-direct the course of destiny.

I trust that you are up to the challenge.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The EvolutionRevolution

The Evolution Revolution

This is a time of profound global and personal transformation. Both spirit and science agree on a unified ground of being; the understanding of Oneness is percolating through the pores of organisms and the fabric of society. The time has come for all those with a higher vision of what our country and our world can be to realize and align with the extraordinary process that is happening on the planet: the Evolution Revolution.

While the death throes of the old paradigm appear on the surface as acts of insanity, Consciousness is arising in millions of people around the world whose hearts and minds are open. Open to an expanded, enlightened vision of what it means to be human in the 21st century. Open to dedicating time, energy and resources as an expression of an evolved humanity. Open to experiencing themselves as a conscious part of the One. Open to the Evolution Revolution.

What most don’t know is that there are millions more like them. Millions who are participating in organized humanitarian services without an agenda. Millions more who quietly do good works in their own community or beyond without the need for recognition. And many millions more with kindness in their hearts who would do something to alleviate the suffering of others but don’t know how. All are part of the Evolution Revolution.

The understanding is arising - the Evolution Revolution is revealing itself to those with the eyes to see. It is time to go beyond all barriers that divide in any way and demonstrate our Oneness. It is time to stand up and be counted - time for the individuals who make up the multitude to know they are not alone:


The Evolution Revolution is at hand.

We are approaching critical mass.