Dear Sean Penn & others who condemn the policies of this administration:
If Geo W Bush & company had not ascended to power when they did, the citizens of the United States of America who had been going blithely along, complacent in their self-satisfaction and the fat of the land, would never have awakened to the fact that more awareness is needed to create a quality of life that works for all living organisms on the planet.
Sad to say, Americans (how arrogant we are even to call ourselves such, given how many others occupy the Americas) have been too myopic for too long regarding the rest of the world. Part of this has to do with with our physical isolation, but unfortunately a large part has to do with our wealth and the way we have been programmed by our educational systems and the media into rampant consumerism and concern with the most trivial and superficial occupations, ie. appearance/image and celebrity gossip.
As well, the monkeys we model: SEE NO, SPEAK NO & HEAR NO are a poor demonstration for a country that is meant to lead the world into a new paradigm—but IT'S NOT TOO LATE.
Short of millions of concerned citizens occupying (literally) the streets of Washington DC—which would be sufficiently dramatic but inconvenient and impractical—most feel too powerless to do anything about the ludicrous fiasco in which we find ourselves: having been pre-empted by our own government using its position to carry us into such dangerous waters.
However—as citizens of the USA, We the People have a greater power than that. We the People have the powers granted us by our Constitution and we cannot be silenced. (See: Let Freedom Ring)
We have the power to speak—and we have the power to act.
To paraphrase a favorite bumper sticker:
If we would make the change we want to see in the world, then we must BE it.
So now we come to you, Mr. Sean Penn, and your cohorts.
Hollywood, and the entire entertainment industry, has been invested with a power the likes of which has never been seen in this world.
And now that worldwide communication is instantaneous, it is time to use that power for the greater good. (See Hostage to Terror & A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness)
What has been made clear to many through the phenomenon of 'The Secret' (I have another 'secret' to share with you) is that whatsoever we focus our attention upon increases in our (energetic) environment.
Hence, the focus of the media on all that is violent, distructive & disturbing—and our sheep-like subjecting ourselves to that input—disserves us profoundly and in the most elementary way. It is way past time for humanity to wake up to our True Nature.
The Transcendental Meditators have demonstrated clearly that crime decreases in an environment (city) where concentrated meditation occurs. (Stay with me here) Masaru Emoto has established that WATER molecules can change from polluted to pure with mediatation of another sort, or the mere application of a word such as 'Love' 'Peace' or 'Gratitude'.
The fact is we don't have to run around frantically attempting to change the physical world: when we change our minds and attitudes the world changes in response.
Since it has been shown that we live in the Unified Field of science, or as the mystics refer to it: Universal Mind, we actually possess a power much greater than wealth or munitions: we possess the power of Consciousness—which requires nothing more than the Awareness of Its existence.
If only people realized that they possess the power of Creation Itself—and that in fact humanity is a multifacted expression of a Oneness that is awe-inspiring in its magnificence—and that whatsoever we do to or for another we are actually doing to or for our own Selves—they would not be wasting their time attempting to manifest a Cadillac Escalade when we could be creating Peace on Earth and prosperity for all.
What a concept.
How amazing would it be to live in a world of Harmony and plenty, where everyone's basic needs were met and there would be enough time and resources to encourage creativity.
Consciousness and the recognition of the Consciousness within is the only thing that will enable this. Otherwise we are like children, scurrying to empty the ocean or level a mountain with a teaspoon, doomed to frustration and failure.
So I challenge you, Sean Penn, to unify with others in your realm and gather your resources (again, see Hostage to Terror & A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness)to change the world as we know it by demonstrating that We the People of the United States of America are far superior to the pathetic lot we find at our helm.
We the People have the means and the ability to act in the world as we see fit.
It is time to demonstrate our brotherhood with and compassion for all.
It is time to embrace the Evolution Revolution around the world and re-direct the course of destiny.
I trust that you are up to the challenge.