Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hostage to Terror

Subtitle:The Entertainment Industry is offered the role of a Lifetime

If America would counter the image of ‘Great Satan’ fostered by the extremists who wish her ill, Americans must clearly demonstrate another face to the world. We can no longer allow power-crazed smoke-and-mirrors government forces to hold us hostage to ill-conceived policies.

While the government chooses to play sheriff’s posse on the world stage, We the People can show another facet of our national character. Rather than the perceived attitude of entitlement, bigoted contempt or self-centered lack of concern, a display of profound practical compassion would not only change the perception of those who might condemn us, but could actually inspire a quantum transformative shift in the way humanity conducts itself in the 21st century.

There is no question that the USA has been a leader in opportunity and possibility in modern history, with increasing prosperity a result. But what have we modeled for the rest of the world in the last few decades beyond behavior akin to spoiled adolescents? In spite of the pinhole outlook of the present administration, we the people have an opportunity to do something worthy of our privileged place.

After all, Americans are essentially decent people and not ill-intentioned. We are, perhaps, self-centered. Some may also be ignorant and/or lazy. Collectively we have been well-programmed to indulge and consume and desire more, more and more—way beyond our needs. But we are not ill-intentioned. The problem is that we have been brainwashed to believe in style over substance. It need not be so.

The past few decades have accorded a power unheard of in history to a particular segment of our population: the entertainment industry has become a behemoth of wealth and influence, and its members the idols and envy of the enthralled masses. Yet for the most part the adulation and remuneration so abundantly accorded is used merely for self-aggrandizement, and even when charity is considered, it often becomes simply another vehicle for self-promotion.

But what if the members of this privileged group decided to influence the world—not with Part III of a formulaic script starring Ego Rampant and his leading lady Ima Celebrity—but by deciding to live on perhaps 50% of the obscene income generated by a society bewitched by ‘glamour’ and use the other 50% to re-create the world as we know it? (Kudos to A. Jolie for a decent beginning.)

What if the majority of those who have been rewarded light years beyond their actual value woke up one morning and realized that a life of meaningless indulgence and pseudo-power is tragically empty and profoundly unsatisfying?

Just look at what the Gates Foundation is doing and imagine what a similar amount of money—backed by the faces and energy of those who have been placed on pedestals of popularity—could do not only to improve the quality of life on the planet, but to still the voices that criticize and condemn us. For you who have received so much it is time to give back. Start using your celebrity for the greater good.

In the 22nd century very few of our entertainers will be either remembered or respected for their work - but can you imagine the honor bestown upon a coalition of the same who, recognizing the influence they could wield collectively, sacrificed grotesque luxury and dedicated a substantial portion of their time and resources to transform the world as we know it? That would truly be the role of a lifetime. And by modeling such selflessness, millions would be inspired to participate in a movement unprecedented in history and unequalled in impact.

Attention Hollywood and the Music Industry: Stop being models of self-involvement and self-indulgence. Wake up!!! Look around. Get over yourself. Unite. Do something of real value. Join the Evolution Revolution.

All the money in the world will not protect you if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. And if the planet becomes a hostage to terror, your millions will be small comfort.

As Americans we have been gifted with the best of everything this world has to offer. Let us now show the world our true greatness by giving.