The secret of the Evolution Revolution is Consciousness. Consciousness with a capital C is our true nature. Consciousness with a capital C is also All That Is.
The Evolution Revolution is happening because Consciousness is expanding on the planet by awakening in the minds and hearts of humans—and WE are the humans in which this is happening.
To become aware of this happening within us, we must cease to be at effect of our conditioning and the continual programming of the media.
This means we must WAKE UP and stop walking around in a trance, dreaming we are awake.
It means we must stop listening to the outer and begin to be sensitive to the inner.
How? Stop identifying with the voice in your head you’ve always considered ‘you’ and start being quiet enough to hear the ‘still, small voice’ that has been trying to get your attention all along, but was never acknowledged until perhaps you were shocked into silence by the fact that your husband left you, or a lung was removed, or your child died, or you lost your job, your house and your dog.
The key is self-observation...