Sunday, May 6, 2007
A Call to Consciousness from Consciousness: Join the Evolution Revolution
We are One and there’s enough*
The ‘stars’ of this planet must come together and create a new constellation—a constellation in a form that is wondrous to behold. But before that can happen there must be a realization: you who are like fallen angels have forgotten where you come from and why you are here: Not to indulge in sense-fulfillment and ego gratification, collectively spending trillions of dollars on possessions that are soon neglected or discarded, looking for fulfillment where none can be found. Not to fall asleep and imagine you are awake—living ‘Life.’ No—to realize you have been given everything you are and have: precious Gifts to be used for the expansion the Love on the Planet—for the good of what appears to be All, but is actually only One.
The misuse of resources is a sign of unconsciousness where compassion is meant to dwell; a selfishness and self-centeredness that is due to lack of understanding of who and what you are and the purpose of Life. It is definitely not “he who dies with the most toys wins.”
We are One and there’s enough
All there is, is 'God'—which is actually Pure Consciousness. Pure Consciousness exists without form. It is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, Infinite and Eternal. The entire Cosmos emanates from a desire of this Consciousness to experience Itself in form. The Creation is a ‘play’ of Consciousness, predicated upon the evolutionary process—a process of Consciousness becoming unconscious and then gradually re-awakening to Consciousness once again. We have reached that point of awakening at this time in history: Consciousness is expanding apace on our planet.
As Consciousness expands in those created 'in God’s image' (with the ability to become Self-aware, aware that Divinity is its essence), the realization dawns that there is more than what society has programmed us to believe is of value in this Life. That the worldly, material, success, achievement, possessions we have made our gods are still not enough to satisfy the craving, the frustration, the perhaps unnamed desire that unsettles us from within. That unnamed desire is Consciousness attempting to call attention to Itself, and will never be satisfied no matter how much we have or do. It will never be quieted no matter how much food, alcohol, drugs or sex we cram into it from outside. It requires becoming aware of and alert to the ‘still, small voice’ within.
We are One and there’s enough
Human beings are like individual cells in the body of God. And every cell is of equal value and import. If any cell or group of cells is malfunctioning or missing, the entire organism suffers. This is the condition of our planet at this time. The larger organism is suffering because individual cells are malfunctioning. It’s as if a monstrous cancer has invaded the body and is running rampant through the vital systems. Radiation/chemotherapy (war) will not cure it; it might relieve it for a while, but if the essential issue is not addressed, it will return. And if those cells who have been spoiled by abundance (fattened) are not willing to change their lifestyles, the cancer will grow until the organism (humanity) is destroyed. The only possible treatment is Love.
We are One and there's enough
Enough for everyone to have their needs met. Enough to eliminate suffering.
Of course our youth rebel against and disrespect a society that only wants to create more worker cogs to perpetuate its existence. The non-conformism of youth is an important reminder that society as it is does not work. That it is not sufficient for some to have a great deal and be satiated in their excess, and for many to have more than enough and be complacent in their achievement while most are struggling and suffering—a distant disturbance, but mostly “out of sight, out of mind.”
This is why the phenomenon of homelessness exists in our land of opportunity. These precious souls are not to be reviled and castigated but appreciated and cared for. They, and the needy everywhere, play that role to awaken compassion in the minds and Hearts of those whose lives are mostly isolated and unaware of the great imbalance that exists in our world. It is not enough to throw a few millions at a situation and hope it goes away, salving a conscience that has been anesthetized by the idea that each one gets what s/he deserves. Were it not for the bountiful gifts of Nature—which we take so much for granted—humankind could not even exist. Everything we need for Life is given to us freely.
We are One and there’s enough
Humankind has been misled for centuries by those who would control and manipulate. We are not born in sin, but out of Love. The nature of 'God' is Love, and when we live in Love we are knowing God. The second coming we have long awaited has arrived. Consciousness—and its expression, Compassion: the essence of the Christ—is rising in the Hearts of multitudes all over the planet, quietly serving in a humble capacity: feeding the hungry, healing the lame, putting rooves over the heads of the weary and the weak.
You who have been gifted with birth in a country whose very existence is founded upon freedom, have the freedom to do as you will—to speak out against injustice or take action to alleviate deprivation. As individuals you can accomplish only so much—united for the greater good, as our precious States are united, you can literally move mountains, and help bring about the Golden Age which has been prophesied and dreamt of, and toward which our civilization has been moving throughout history.
I challenge you privileged ones to spearhead a planetary movement, something far greater than the world has ever seen, far greater than the world has ever imagined. Form a new constellation—a constellation of Love. You will find millions prepared to support your efforts. Shine the Light of Love where darkness now reigns. Join the Evolution Revolution.
We are One and there’s enough
What greater work could any individual or group of individuals accomplish than to dramatically change the face of the world they inhabit? The entertainers and athletes of yore are long forgotten, but you in present time, whose gifts have brought you the power to influence the masses, have an opportunity far greater than politicians whose terms are brief, or royalty who are mere figureheads. It is not for nothing you have been vested with the power and prestige, the name and fame to affect millions. Not for self-aggrandizement, but for Service.
Ask 'God'—in whatever way you relate to It—to open your eyes and Hearts and enable you to see how you can best use your combined abilities and resources to contribute to a dramatic healing of our precious planet. Give—and you will understand the gift of giving. Serve—and you will understand the gift of serving. Do for others, for those in need, and you will reap a reward you cannot even dream of— for everything we give to another we are in truth only giving to our own Self.
Take a single step towards Consciousness and you will be amazed at how Consciousness will come rushing to welcome you Home.
We are One and there’s enough